
Tour Type
Kilimanjaro climbing
7 days machame route
Kilimanjaro National park

The best 6 days Umbwe route Kilimanjaro climbing

The 6-day Kilimanjaro climbing expedition via the Umbwe route offers adventurers a thrilling and challenging experience to conquer Africa’s highest peak. This lesser-known trail provides a sense of exclusivity as it takes climbers through dense rainforests, steep ridges, and rugged terrain. As hikers ascend the mountain, they will be rewarded with breathtaking views of the surrounding landscapes and diverse ecosystems. The 6 days Kilimanjaro Umbwe route demands a high level of fitness and determination, making it suitable for experienced hikers seeking an adrenaline-filled adventure. With the guidance of experienced guides and porters, climbers will navigate through varying altitudes, camp in picturesque locations, and ultimately reach the majestic summit of Mount Kilimanjaro, standing at an impressive 5,895 meters (19,341 feet) above sea level.

The best 6 days Kilimanjaro Umbwe route success rate

The best successful Kilimanjaro summit rate of the 6-day Umbwe route is from 60% to 70% reaching at the 5,895 meters Uhuru peak and descending back. This 6 days Umbwe route on Kilimanjaro climbing summit rate is relatively low because this trail is considered more difficult and most challenging route on Mount Kilimanjaro lowering its success rates of reaching the summit of Kilimanjaro.

The most affordable price for the best 6-day Greatest Kilimanjaro Machame route

The best 6 days Greatest Kilimanjaro Machame route the cost is from $1300 to $2800 per traveller; this cost varies depending on the quality of service and accommodation requested by the clients; it may be budget, semi-luxury, luxury, and private. The best 6-day Kilimanjaro Machame route cost is paid in US dollars, British pounds, euros, and Tanzania shillings.

Package Inclusion & Exclusions


The best full detailed day-by-day itinerary for 6 days Kilimanjaro climbing via Umbwe route: Day 1: Umbwe Gate (5,249 ft) to Umbwe Camp (9,514 ft) | 5-7 hours | 11 km; Day 2: Umbwe Camp (9,514 ft) to Barranco Camp (13,044 ft) | 4-5 hours | 6 km; Day 3: Barranco Camp (13,044 ft) to Karanga Camp (13,106 ft) | 4-5 hours | 5 km; Day 4: Karanga Camp (13,106 ft) to Barafu Camp (15,331 ft) | 4-5 hours | 4 km; Day 5: Barafu Camp (15,331 ft) to Uhuru Point (19,341 ft) to Mweka Camp (10,065 ft) | 11-14 hours | 17 km; Day 6: Mweka Camp (10,065 ft) to Mweka Gate (5,380 ft) | 3-4 hours | 10 km.

Elevations: 5,249 ft to 9,514 ft Hiking time: 5-7 hours Hiking distance: 11 km On the first day, you'll drive from Moshi to the Umbwe Gate, where you'll complete the necessary registrations and permits. The trek begins through dense rainforests, and although it's a short hike, it can be challenging. After 5-7 hours of climbing, you'll reach the Umbwe Camp whwre you'll have dinner and spend the night in tents.
Elevations: 9,514 ft to 13,044 ft Hiking time: 4-5 hours Hiking distance: 6 km After an early breakfast, you'll continue your climb. The trail gets steeper, but you'll be rewarded with stunning panoramic views. As you ascend, you'll leave the rainforest behind and enter the moorland zone. It will take approximately 4-5 hours to reach the Barranco Camp, located in a picturesque valley at about 3,960 meters. Enjoy a delicious dinner and rest for the night.
Elevations: 13,044 ft to 13,106 ft Hiking time: 4-5 hours Hiking distance: 5 km Start the day with breakfast before embarking on the next leg of the journey. Today's trek involves some steep sections, including the famous Barranco Wall. As you conquer this challenging part, you'll be greeted with magnificent views. After approximately 4-6 hours of hiking, you'll reach the Karanga Camp, rest, enjoy dinner, and prepare for the following day.
Elevations: 15,331 ft to 19,341 ft to 10,065 ft Hiking time: 11-14 hours Hiking distance: 17 km Prepare for an early start in the middle of the night to begin the summit attempt. The climb to Uhuru Peak, the highest point of Mount Kilimanjaro, takes around 6-8 hours. As the sun rises, you'll experience breathtaking views from the summit. After celebrating your accomplishment, descend to the Mweka Camp taking about 5-7 hours. Rest and have a well-deserved sleep.
Elevations: 10,065 ft to 5,380 ft Hiking time: 3-4 hours Hiking distance: 10 km On the final day, enjoy a leisurely breakfast before descending further to the Mweka Gate, situated at an altitude of about 1,640 meters (5,380 feet). The descent takes approximately 3-4 hours through the lush rainforest, where you'll encounter a rich variety of flora and fauna. At the gate, you'll receive your certificates of achievement and bid farewell to your guides and porters. From there, you'll be driven back to Moshi, where you can celebrate your successful Kilimanjaro climb.

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